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Spring recipe from Nick Smith, National Chef of the Year 2020-21
How did Nick Smith find the National Chef of the Year experience this year?
How does Nick Smith feel about being National Chef of the Year?
Graham Mitchell - The National Chef of the Year Entry 2020
A National Chef of the Year special with Paul Ainsworth, Clare Smyth, David Mulcahy & Nick Smith
Meet the National Chef of the Year Chair of Judges, Paul Ainsworth
Cooking with national chef of the year Ben Murphy! Full video coming soon #shorts
[RECIPE] Sweet Eve strawberry split, with clotted cream, lemon and mint, by Nick Smith
Food and Drink Event 2017 Student Nick Smith Masterclass & interview
We caught up with Nick Smith ahead of the #NCOTY Mentor Day
King Prawn Noodle Soup Recipe with Andrew Scott from Wadworth & Co.
Jerusalem Artichoke and Hazlenut Soup Recipe with Mark Wright from Sodexo